Is it OK to be 420 friendly on main?

De Social Media


It’s 4/20 baby!!! It’s Saturday, you’re lit, brain perfectly calibrated to toasted, sparking your joy, blowing smoke rings so on point it feels criminal not to share on your Instagram story.

But something stops you from posting. And it probably sounds like the voice of your D.A.R.E. teacher yelling about how posting pictures of pot online can get you arrested and ruin your career.

«Even if you just post one picture, it comes back,» said Anjela, who is very much not a D.A.R.E. teacher. Preferring to keep her full name separate from her online weed-sona, she’s better known as Koala Puffs, a weedfluencer with over half a million Instagram followers.  Read more…

More about Twitter, Marijuana, Culture, Elon Musk, and Social Media

What it’s like to be Pornhub’s social media manager

De Social Media


Managing a brand’s social media is tricky for anyone in 2019, and it’s even more challenging if you’re the social voice (and face) of Pornhub, the web’s most popular porn site. We spoke with Aria Nathaniel about the fine line she walks at the office each day.

Boasting a whopping 6 million followers on Instagram and 1.25 million on Twitter, Pornhub has amassed extensive reach on social media channels. By riffing on memes, trends, and current events — and interacting with readers — Pornhub stays relevant and continues to build an engaged community.

Most of that work is done by one woman — Pornhub’s social media manager, Aria Nathaniel, who’s staying up to date not just on what Pornhub’s doing, but on the latest trends across the internet. Read more…

More about Social Media, Porn, Pornhub, Aria Nathaniel, and Culture

Rod Rosenstein stares creepily into the distance at Mueller report press conference

De Social Media


Attorney general William Barr held a press conference Thursday morning to discuss the long-awaited Mueller report, a move which has been criticized by Democrats as unnecessary and «inappropriate.» Next to him stood deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who spent most of the conference staring intensely into the middle distance.

Remember when Chris Christie stood next to Trump during a rally and looked like he’d just woken up on a submarine to hell? This was kind of like that. Several people made «Sound of Silence» jokes.

madame tousseau’s new rod rosenstein figure looks pretty lifelike

— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) April 18, 2019 Read more…

More about Twitter, Social Media, Rod Rosenstein, Mueller Report, and Culture

Facebook accidentally scraped the email contacts of 1.5 million users

De Social Media


Facebook has been embroiled in another password-related mess.

As reported by Business Insider, the social media giant inadvertently uploaded the email contacts of 1.5 million users who had just signed up to the network.

The issue stems from when Facebook asked new users for their email passwords at sign-up, an odd request which was spotted a few weeks ago by a cybersecurity researcher by the name of «e-sushi.» 

Facebook ended the practice shortly after it was called out on it, but it turns out users who had entered their passwords likely had their contacts scraped anyway without their permission. The company said it is in the process of deleting the contacts. Read more…

More about Tech, Facebook, Cybersecurity, Social Media, and Passwords

Jack Dorsey’s getting dunked on for his unkempt look at TED 2019

De Social Media


Congrats to Jack Dorsey for, once again, becoming a meme on his own platform.

The Twitter CEO made an appearance at TED 2019 in Vancouver this week wearing what I assume is his favorite black beanie. The beanie is very large — larger than most beanies — and covers his ears fully. His bangs protrude from the hat at an angle, as if he were a sentient MySpace photo. It is all so weird.

And from this weirdness emerged a particularly good genre of Twitter meme: A meme that dunks on the person who came up with Twitter. People have roasted Dorsey’s disheveled appearance before, and a lot of the same observations came up this time around — particularly the idea that only a man could get away with looking like a Lord of the Rings character who got too drunk and woke up in Silicon Valley. Read more…

More about Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Social Media, Ted 2019, and Culture

Don’t police people’s online expressions of grief about Notre-Dame

De Social Media


Watching the footage of Notre-Dame cathedral engulfed with flames, it’s hard to feel anything other than heartbreak and grief. 

Interspersed between the devastating imagery of the burning building were people’s own photos of the cathedral, accompanied by messages and memories of what the building meant to them. 

This act of sharing one’s personal connection to the monument proved divisive, however. Some tweeted that they felt people were making the tragedy about themselves, others interpreted the tweets as bragging about having travelled to Paris. 

To me, the backlash to these expressions of sadness felt both callous and cynical. In moments like these, where centuries of history goes up in smoke, do we really want to police people’s (very real) grief?  Read more…

More about Social Media, Grief, Notre Dame Cathedral Fire, Culture, and Work Life

Janelle Monáe at Coachella will be your new friendship meme

De Social Media


Next time you’d like to support a friend in meme form (a vital part of any friendship), no need to pull out that Amy Poehler GIF from Mean Girls. 

Turn instead to Janelle Monáe, who had a great time in the audience at Lizzo’s Coachella set on Sunday. She danced, she laughed, she wore cool sunglasses, she took videos like a stage mom — she really made the most of the experience.

People on Twitter latched on to the moment instantly. «We love a supportive friendship,» wrote one user. Others applauded Monáe’s choice to wear earplugs — responsible!  Read more…

More about Twitter, Music, Memes, Janelle Monae, and Social Media

Pete Buttigieg’s new influencer handbook is an extremely online way to campaign

De Social Media


Pete Buttigieg is taking online campaigning to a very 2019 level.

The South Bend mayor, who announced his official presidential bid on Sunday, understands the undeniable power of the internet, and he plans on using it to his full advantage.

Buttigieg, his husband Chasten, and their dogs Truman and Buddy, already have beloved Twitter presences, but the millennial mayor and his team took things a step further this weekend by releasing an entire set of digital assets, social media guidelines, and detailed explanations behind each of his visual campaign aesthetics so that influencers and fans can easily show him support online. Read more…

More about Twitter, Politics, Instagram, Social Media, and Influencers

Twitter is overrun with ‘celebs as things’ threads and it rules

De Social Media


Do you ever look at your favorite celebrity and think «candle?» 

If so, we invite you to log on to Twitter, which is currently full of «celebrities as everyday objects» threads. Want to see Ciara as Bath & Body Works candles? It’s there. Chris Hemsworth as hammers? Makes sense — also there. Harry Styles as Fabergé eggs? Not there yet, but we imagine someone will make it soon. 

Naturally, the threads originated with Stan Twitter: The devotion to their faves is so strong that it makes sense they’d see them in things like coffee pots, sneakers, and, uh, bacteria. There are a lot of threads about Taylor Swift, in particular. (The Swifties reman incredibly powerful.) Read more…

More about Twitter, Social Media, Culture, Celebrities, and Web Culture